The whole world is our curriculum.


The whole library is our textbook.

KONOS homeschool curriculum studies one character trait (unit) such as Attentiveness, Orderliness, Obedience, Honor, Trust, Wisdom, Honesty, Resourcefulness, and Cooperation for 1 to 2 months. Each unit integrates science, social studies, art, music, literature, information books, health, safety, and Bible. Each volume is really a teacher's manual which includes activities for Kindergarten through 8th grade allowing you to teach ALL of your children at the same time. With KONOS, you have the structure of the weekly lesson plans but the flexibility to tailor your curriculum to your life.


KONOS Is The BEST Learning Tool


Everyone learns faster and better using hands-on. Try learning how to use your new phone with only a manual and no phone in your hand...Yikes!

 try learning how to use a phone without a phone in your hand

That is why KONOS created units with Godly character trait focuses that were chocked full of hands-on activities, classic literature as well as challenging academics allowing moms to teach all their kids together.

KONOS believes true learning is more than answering questions at the end of the chapter, more than tell and regurgitate in the discussion circle. True learning has activities that require motion and incorporates all 5 senses for it to be retained over the long haul.

KONOS believes like Christian educator, Henrietta Mears, believed…


“God put the wiggle in children. Don’t you dare try to take it out!”

KONOS works with the wiggle by providing 1,000’s of clever hands-on activities to impart academic information that is remembered because the activity creates an unforgettable memory. If you want your 4-year-old to understand communism, have a communist lunch where Mother Russia (THE state) takes all the kids lunches and re-distributes the wealth…one chip to each kid… while the mom eats sandwiches, cookies, and Capri Sun! Every kid instantly becomes a staunch capitalist!

KONOS has won many awards since its inception as the first curriculum written for homeschool in 1984.

In 2010, Jessica was honored to receive the now-coveted, first Chris Klicka award at HSLDA’s national leadership conference. As much as Jessica cherishes that coveted award and the memory of the precious man it honors, she sites a quote from a 13-year-old homeschool girl to her mother, who was selling all their used curriculum, as her greatest KONOS achievement.

“Mom, I don’t care what you do with the rest of the stuff… but save the KONOS. I want to use it to teach my kids!”

KONOS…Learning made fun AND learning remembered!

Learn how to use KONOS

from master teacher and co-author, Jessica Hulcy.

This never-offered-before product includes 6+hrs video of seminars, how to's, and real classroom teaching. This used to be 4 DVD's, NOW available downloadable/streaming


Kids Love KONOS


KONOS Products

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Elementary K-8

Choose between KONOS original volumes, KONOS-In-A-Bag, or KONOS-In-A-Box.

High School

Same KONOS hands-on, activity-driven methods as original KONOS but for grades 9-12 arranged around history (ancient & medieval).

How To...

Feeling overwhelmed? In addition to Homeschool Mentor (online video support for Volumes I, II, & III), KONOS offers a variety of media to aid in implementing this ground-breaking curriculum.



Our favorite pics of YOU using KONOS! Thank you!!